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BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: Marriage of a youth in ancient society was parts of the responsibilities of his parents. The young man had no choices and no say. He accepted his wife his joy and thanks. In some cases, a wife was married for him at a time he could certainly not afford to keep a wife all maintenance was borne by the parents. In the past marriage were a matter within the clan or within clan’s and its environs parents were not anxious to see their suns getting married to girls from distant places or other tribes.

Marriages arranged by parents on the basis of family friendship ties rarely broke up in the past. Divorce in the ancient times was also very rate, because of penalties of proven infidelity and fear of offending elders of both families in Nigerian, there are four clearly defined types of marriage we have the church or statutory marriage those performed at the mosques and marriage contracted according to native law and customs of any ethnic group. The purpose of marriage is to have children and establish a family. When these children eventually arrive, they are regarded as blessing from God and are social and economic assets to their parents. The family, this time needs a home to live in and feel secured. Thus, home is a place where a family lives and also a place where one secures love. It is a place which provides all individual needed in order to fit into the society successfully. A home provides for food, physical, mental, psychological and spiritual; development of its members. A home is built on love and mutual understanding and good planning is able to meet its goals in a home where love and understanding are lacking, such a home is bound to crack and fissure in all direction. This broken homes are homes or families where either the father or the mother has ceased to be further member of such a home of family through divorce, desertion to mention but a few.    

Divorce therefore can be defined to be personal misfortune for either of the spouse ion any society but it is a universal escape for the inevitable tension is marriage. Divorce as a matter of fact breaks the bonds, which once united two individual and their family. Marriage is a big step in life, in which a person plans as a career or even business, certainly you either fail or succeed. This bond dissolution can occur as a result of extra marital practices by either of the partners, early marriage, a solution where either of the spouses is not ripe enough for marriage before getting married.

The proper upbringing of children is a more important objective of the family than the happiness of the parents. This is because the early of child life are the formation of personality and these are the years that are spent mainly in association with parent’s siblings and the family. The home as the child’s immediate environment forms the basis for personality development, which accompanies the individual throughout life. As a result of divorce or broken home children fails to develop ties to one or few important person in the family and when these ties are disrupted, children are taught at school impaired in developing close relationship in adulthood. They feel better and carryover critically as a happy person and at the same time cannot concentrate on anything taught at school. When a mother is out of a home, leaving the children under charity and mercy of step-mother, these children are prone to many problems such as poor feeding, negligence not inspired to study or learn, diseases and sicknesses, emotional disturbance (fear, insecurity) as such they are not likely to perform up to expectation in school. For a marriage to be successful there is the need for the couples to be in harmony-mentally, physically, and spiritually. In other words, the husband and the wife must have a common goal and each has to contribute his or her own quota towards its fulfillment and the key ward should be love.